Thursday, February 19, 2009


Needless to say, I didn't post anything Sunday night. It was a zany weekend--I felt like I was hosting a variety show! So my brain is presently recuperating. Hopefully this weekend will provide a chill thinking day :)

Meantime, I just found an article about a rebel poison comet that's lurking out our solar system that I thought I might share. (Last night Karl said I could be a character you'd meet in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, so it seems fitting.)

Here is the link to the official article.
(By the way, I have always really liked the word "science." I might even change my name to that. "Science Swedburg", yeah?)

If you're not nerdy enough to actually go read it, allow me to just quote my favorite bit for you:

"While all the planets and most of the other objects in the solar system circle the sun counterclockwise, Lulin circles clockwise, said NASA astronomer Stephen Edberg. And thanks to an optical illusion, from Earth it appears as if the comet's tail is in the front as the comet approaches Earth and the sun.
'It essentially is going backwards through the solar system,' he said.
It came from the outskirts of the solar system, 29 trillion kilometres away. Once it's made the journey around the sun, Lulin will gain enough speed to escape the solar system..."

So just think: while you're sitting there making sense and orbitting the sun properly and all kinds of earthbound things...there is a magical backwardsy piece of the universe quietly traveling alongside and against us...gaining momentum in a most peculiar ultimately leave like it means it!

I don't know if that means anything to you, but it means a lot of things to me. I might go out real early Monday morning and stand on the edge of society for a minute...gaze south even if I can't see an act of solidarity? ;)

(This does not mean I am in a space cult or anything, in case that's what you're drawing from it. If that's what you're getting, I'm sorry your imagination sucks.)

"If you are interested in comets, make sure you see it," he said. "But it's not going to be a real great blast for the general public."

( Are you watching closely? )

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Two months to the day! Oh my!

I'll be coming back now, not that I expect anyone else will...hahah.
But my greatest faith lies in the peculiar arrangements time and space seem to make of themselves if we let them, so I trust whatever mysterious timing manifests in this place will be what it's meant to :) I often find myself stumbling across strangely fitting words at strangely fitting times, and I would be endlessly happy should the universe anonymously orchestrate any sort of effect on any of you either through the absence of my words or the presence of them in any future moment... mmmagic!

For today, we will wait on the return to Orthodoxy (check back late Sunday night..I hope to have something new up then!)...and we will ease back in with the inhabitants of a strange little scrap of paper I found in an old notebook this morning. I must say, my knack for spontaneously making and losing/forgetting/re-finding things keeps me endlessly mystified--no matter how organized my house is, I am forever finding hidden treasure! *cue haunting you-know-what-movie song* "yo-ho, yo-ho......" ;D

there are places beyond these
that i've been
and that i've seen

in the deep hours of your slumber
and the words you didn't mean

i've crept through woods that spoke to me
long aft' and 'fore their green
reclined in 'empty' earthen beds
in this same in-between

i fell asleep and found myself
in some forgotten dream
where all the things i'd learned to know
were nothing like they'd seemed...