Saturday, January 21, 2012

this entry's title is actually a truncated excuse to check out natalie portman

I just watched The Darjeeling Limited, and I really wanted it not to be terrible -- I kept devotedly wishing this wish until the end of the credits even, to no avail.  Totally terrible.  Okay, well, there were some fun colours and a few okay things, but it was just overall one of those films people trick themselves into giving accolades.  It's okay, you can admit it here.

Maybe I would have felt differently about it if I watched it when it actually came out (2007) -- but probably not. 

But that's not what this is about. 

This is a bookend. 

My friend Hannah, who is super much radder at blogging, has offered her services in revamping my hideously bland and basic blog format (she didn't use those words, but I am -- it's okay, we can admit it here), and it's exciting but not for the reason you might think. 

As might be obvious, I've been busy with Christmas and life and generally forgetting about blogging (albeit for less months than usual)... so it was the farthest thing from my mind when she suggested it today, and it took me off guard because I spent a good deal of today thinking about how agonizingly overdedicated to detail and aesthetic and having things in order I can be (eg: was just in my Favourites tab thinking "what a mess, I should organize this...but that would take like a whole day probably...and do I really want to donate a day of my life to that?"  -- do other people think that? ever?)   Anyways, obviously I dedicate abnormal amounts of attention to minutae, let alone larger items, so it was refreshing to realize that I'd given really slim to no attention to designing or formatting my blog.  Because that seems like something that would trump "Favourites tab" in the organizational/aesthetic spectrum.  But it really hasn't, and I didn't even notice it till today.  

So I guess, to celebrate this breakthrough, I'm going to totally negate it via concentrated cooperative regression.  Hahah no no, just kidding. 

I'm going to welcome a friend's wise insight in the hopes of making this space more enticing for myself (and you I suppose) to visit. 

Although after checking my stats, I'm pretty sure 99% of the traffic here is crazy women across the globe google image searching "Elizabeth and Mr Darcy," which was a subject of all of ONE entry here... there are a lot of desperate ladies out there looking for what must end up as pixellated pineworthy wallpaper it seems.  

" be continued"  (totally underwhelming Anjelica Huston performance, by the way)

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