Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So many things just happened, I don't know what to do.  So I'm going to blog about it.  This will either be a fun departure from the usual premeditated/educated entries, or a disorienting waste of (y)our time.  Preferably both.

Okay. Here's how it started. I came home from a meeting, considered conforming to adult midweek tradition and watching a sitcom (I classify myself as a 45 year old "life stage wise" sometimes in case you're wondering what I'm talking about), but opted to have a "ponder shower" instead (because really I'm not that old and resigned to it yet), which usually entails really good story ideas that I forget half of before I make it to a pen and paper. Tonight's ponderings instead included first, reminiscing fondly about a song I really like and about dreams and friends and names; second, blowing my own mind by realizing something super obvious that I never really thought about before; and third, racking my brain trying to remember a character from Jurassic Park's first name...Don Arnold?...Tom Arnold? (uh definitely not)...Sam Arnold?........ JOHN Arnold!! 

Then I decided I felt like sharing this song I keep replaying in my mind, maybe via Facebook....or a blog if I felt ambitious & like tying it into the other stuff I'd been thinking about... so enter Internet, link to YouTube to find the song... and WHAT to my wondering eyes should appear but a suggested link on the YouTube homepage to something called "Jesus Christ in Jurassic Park." 

I don't even care what the original this adaptation/dub is based on is -- (okay I did look it up and the audio is snatched from a typical pointless YouTube vid of some guy chasing/yelling at a dog that's chasing some deer or something, I don't know, I didn't finish watching it) -- you can mix anything with Jurassic Park and strike gold.  Add Jesus Christ to Jurassic Park, and well folks, roll credits because that was the Meaning of Life.  (I don't really mean a crazy man screaming "Jesus Christ" .. in case you aren't reading into this .. I mean Actual Jesus Christ.)   You might feel like I'm spending more time than I should talking about this, but if you do, you clearly don't know that probably the things I think most about in life are a) Jesus Christ and b) Jurassic Park.   I often wonder "how would this situation be different if there were veloceraptors in it?"  I'm not even making that up to sound interesting.  I really think that regularly.

What if Jesus was really hoping that like...for the Triumphal Entry his Dad would let him ride a T-rex in instead of the donkey?  Obviously he's a pretty confident guy and knew he didn't need to pimp his ride, so that's respectable.  But I really would love someday for him to sidle up on me and semi-secretly say "the T-rex thing..I totally thought 'if things were different...'"   The Jesus I know I think would for sure have thought of it laughingly in one of his private moments.  Maybe during a ponder shower. 

Anyways -- here's the song I sought :

Greg Laswell falls in the same category as William Fitzsimmons with me.  Well..not the melancholic albums-about-painful-divorces-that-make-me-content-for-some-reason category from the other post (actually pretty sure one of his albums falls into that category too now that I think of it), but more the I-can-listen-to-all-his-songs-for-years-over-and-over-and-never-tire-of-them category.  So lovely.  Go get them all and love them too.

The Question of the Day a couple days ago with Chay & Brodie at the cafe was something -- waaait! this actually ties into the Book Blog too!  It was a stolen "Hyperthetical" from Chuck Klosterman!  This keeps getting more and more enmeshed.  So good.  So yeah it was to the effect of "If someone offered you the power to watch your dreams the next day like a movie, but the catch was that you had to bring everyone you know (family, friends) to the viewing -- would you opt to do it, or turn down the offer?"   I would totally want to, and for sure want everyone to come, because my dreams are always exceptionally vivid and detailed and long and complex, and often better than movies -- I could totally charge admission and they would be huge, I often wish I can rewatch them.  Not to brag or anything.  But my unconscious brain is like 98% more amazing than most people's conscious ones.  (Including my own hahah.)   But yeah I very often dream about my good friends and it feels the next day like we got to hang out and it's so great.  Once I even dreamed about someone who was my best friend, except when I woke up I realized it wasn't an actual person, it was just someone imaginary who didn't even have a name, but I missed him that whole day like my best friend just died.  It was really rough!  hahah.  

This is where I was pondering -- while I was pondering dreams and friends and names earlier -- how part of why I love this song a lot is because it's so brief and fleeting and very much like a dream, or a dear friend whose visit always seems to be not long enough..  or something you can't quite put your finger on, something inside and around you that you can't nail down...  and how I couldn't remember the name of the song even though it feels like it's an inextricable part of me, and how I love mysterious, unnamable, unownable things..  and I can name all my dear friends that I dream of, so while their "presence" may be fleeting, their memory is lasting.  Except I guess for one, that one who never was.  And maybe one other one -- my dearest friend -- (and this is the part that blew my mind in all its hidden obviousness) -- did you ever think about how God doesn't have a name?

And you can throw all the Yahweh and Adonai and Elohim you want on the table, but if we're goin' Old Testament on this, I'll see your tetragrammaton and raise you an I AM.  I don't think you can get less-named than introducing yourself as I AM.  (or "I am that I am" or whatever extrapolation you want to use here)   ...what a guy.  (oh and in case you're saying "Shaina. You are obviously super immune to the obvious -- you actually SAID 'God' in the same sentence you marvelled at Him not having a name in," the thing about that is "God" is not actually a name -- it's just a denoting of Him as THE God -- in a sea of gods -- but I'm not here to teach that lesson tonight so we'll leave it be.) 

So yeah.  I love Jurassic Park, I love Jesus Christ, I love Greg Laswell, I love dreams, I love my friends, I love clever mysteries, and I'm going to bed because it's 10:15 and I'm an old person. 

sweet dreams * *

1 comment:

elsa said...

sweet dreams to you, shaina. what a lovely song <3